Category Archives: writing

To Be or Not To Be: No Passive Voice!

shakespeareThis may be a noble question for Shakespeare but not for newsletters!

The passive voice, often written with a “to be” verb, is great for business, science and other mundane prose. For the quick and informative newsletter, however, it is flat and confusing.

What makes a sentence passive rather than active?

Grammatically speaking, passive voice eliminates the subject and emphasizes the receiver. For example: “The book will be read to the children.”

How boring! How confusing! Who is doing the reading?

Let’s give this sentence some interest and emotion. Let’s give it a subject! Let’s write: “The father will read the book to his children.”

Technically, the passive voice is not incorrect or without purpose—we just use it far too often. Check your newsletter articles. Vary your sentence structure and keep the passive voice to a minimum.

Leave the “to be’s” for Shakespeare!

This posting is taken from the Reaching Readability newsletter by Adunate Word & Design (who, by the way, is me!)

Blogging: Cyber-Savvy Outreach

Ah, the world demands so much from churches, eh?

You’ve published a website and are feeling somewhat caught up with modern technology. But wait, a website is now so…well, not quite passé, but let’s just say…expected. As a church, what could you now be doing to reach out with the message of Christ?


Blogging is one of the latest social phenomena for connecting people, along with MySpace, Facebook, Flickr and other ever-evolving online communities. Trying to keep up with technology can leave us feeling lost and out of date. But before you scoff blogging off as just another distraction from the one needful thing—God’s Word—take a moment to learn how easily it can spread God’s message faster and farther than ever before.

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Save the Sermon for Sunday

Have I mentioned we don’t read much? One of the greatest mistakes in church communication, especially in newsletters, is length. Verbose preaching. Wordiness. If the article is too long, the average reader won’t give it a glance.

And so we continue on with Church Newsletter 202, with a focus on maintaining the reader’s attention.

Writing for a newsletter is different than writing for other media. Articles must be short and give immediate information. Unless you’re an extremely fascinating writer—and most of us are not—your article is too long after 350-400 words.

Write tight, cut the clutter

  • Maximum sentence length: 15 words
  • Maximum paragraph length: 45 words
  • Eliminate unnecessary “that” and “of” words
  • Edit the whole artice, then each paragraph and finally each sentence. Cut, cut, cut.

Church Newsletter 101

Outside Sunday bulletins, the church newsletter is perhaps the most common form of communication to your congregation. As much as churches vary from one another, so do the newsletters they publish. From electronic versions to traditional hard copies, the one common thread is that most of them aren’t getting read.

Let’s be real here.

We’re busy. We don’t read much. And we have short attention spans. The 30-3-30 rule says “Eighty percent of people will spend only 30 seconds reading your newsletter, 19 percent will spend three minutes and only one percent will spend thirty minutes.”

But let’s not be negative! As always, nothing is impossible with God. In biblical times, Jesus used parables to visualize his message. Today he gives us writing skills, graphic design and technology, all of which enable us to communicate his saving message in a highly effective manner.

Here are a few pointers to improve those 30-3-30 odds.

Attract your readers

You can spend hours, days and weeks finely crafting your words, but if you can’t get readers to pick up the newsletter, they’ll never know how fine those words are. God gave us creative minds that are drawn to visual imagery. Celebrate this creativity in your newsletter!

  • Use graphics. Yes, a picture really is worth a thousand words. A good picture, rather than cheesy 1980’s clipart is worth even more! Photos of members, events or things within your congregation add interest and personalize a newsletter. Church Art Pro offers an extensive line of regularly updated imagery for a reasonable subscription. This includes photos, cartoons, less-cheesy clipart and helpful tidbits for design and publication. I’m sure there are other such companies online as well.
  • Allow white space. In design school we learned “White space is your friend.” White space helps to visually organize the page. It accentuates. It brings focus.
  • Limit column widths. Columns should be a maximum of 45-75 characters, or 8-12 words. Do not…I repeat, do not… make your column the full width of your newsletter page, unless, of course, your type is size 36 point. Wide blocks of text scare readers before they even get started.

Maintain your readers

So, you have their attention. Now you’ve got to maintain that attention. In an online poll conducted, viewers rated bad writing as the second highest irritation to their church’s newsletter (cheesy clip art was first). Not all church workers can do all things. If writing isn’t your forte, allow someone to edit and rewrite your articles for you.

  • Sharpen and simplify your writing. Remember, we don’t read much anymore. We don’t have much time. Avoid complicated sentence structure and unnecessary words. Consider the audience to whom you’re writing and gear your words toward them.
  • Write in active voice, not passive. Grammatically speaking, passive voice eliminates the subject and emphasizes the receiver. It’s often written in a form of “to be.” For example: “The book will be read to the children.” Instead, use strong action verbs for greater interest and understanding. Write the sentence as: “The father will read the book to the children.”
  • Personlize your writing.  Use personal pronouns to draw readers into your words. Pronouns such as “you,” “yours,” “we” and “ours” allow the reader to become a part of the topic.
  • Use one space after a period at the end of a sentence. Okay, I stand corrected. If white space is caused by two spaces after a period, it is not your friend! Two spaces after a period screams “I’m old. I’m out of date.” In the days of the fossilic typewriter, each letter was the same width and the end of a sentence necessitated extra spacing. Computer fonts today are proportioned to the shape of the letter which allows type to set tighter. As a result, one space provides ample visual cue to the end of a sentence. Two spaces create a river. If you can’t lose the habit of double clicking, use the find and replace feature on your word program to get rid of them.

So here they are: basic ideas to get you started on a successful newsletter. Absorb these concepts, put them into practice and then we’ll get into Newsletter 202.

Hello, beautiful world!

Yes, this is yet another blog—one of the millions found online today. In today’s world of technology and short-lived attention spans, a blog is a great way of telling a story.

Jesus Christ offers the greatest story ever told—that of salvation. Yet, the manner in which we communicate this story is often problematic. Our visual communications especially need updating, refinement and greater professionalism. And so, the mission of this blog: Communicate Christ.

Or, better yet, help you communicate Christ. 

Adunate Word & Design specializes in visual communications. Of course, I’d like you to hire me! However, when this isn’t possible, please refer to my blog for helpful insight in successfully conveying your message. Together we’ll cover proven methods used by designers, journalists and marketing gurus—methods you too can use to communicate Christ.

Bookmark this site! Check it often and join in the conversation!

God’s blessings to you.